Change your Blogspot domain to custom domain using bigrock

How can you buy & change the blogspot to .com, .org. in

Change your Blogger / Blogspot to .com using

I have been blogging using the free blogspot domain from last many years. After getting lot of suggestions, i decided to move to my own custom domain. I finally moved from Blogger/ Blogspot to .com domain in april, 2012.

I bought my domain from which is great place to buy a domain name. It was fast quick & it started redirecting in few minutes. My friends has told me that it might take 6 hours -24 hours to redirect properly but surprisingly it started redirection in just 5 minutes.

Bigrock provides domain name in very cheap rates like
.in domain - $2
.org domain -$ 6
.com domain - $10
.co domain - $20

It comes with free services like

Steps to Set up your domain name
  1. Buy a domain on & log in to you control panel.
  2. Please use Coupon code to get 10% discount.
  3. Please Click on Domains (from navigation menu bar) and then click on List All Orders
  4. Select the domain from the List
  5. Please Click on the DNS which can be found on the top navigation menu bar and then on Manage DNS.
  6. Click on CNAME Records and then on ADD CNAME RECORD
  7. We are going to add 2 Cname records, one for "" & another for "" This helps when someone forgets to add 'www' prefix before the name of the website.
  8. How to add CNAME Record : for ""
    For Host Name type "www"
    For Value type in "" (within the space provided for typing in a fully qualified domain name) and then click on Add Record and you record would be saved.
  9. How to add CNAME Record :for ""
    Please Again click on Add CNAME record.
    For Host Name enter nothing
    For Value type "" and click on Add Record
  10. You are done with cname DNS settings, now go to
  11. Please click on settings and then go to publishing. Next hit the "switch to custom domain" and then on "advanced settings" tab.Here enter your domain with www prefix as and hit the save button.
  12.  Its done, Just be patient & check when your site redirects properly.

Note:- For few minutes, it will show redirect notification. Don't worry, it will vanish after some time. Your all links with blogspot domain will be redirected to the .com domain. for ex.  will be redirected to the

How can you buy & change the blogspot to .com, .org. in

Change your Blogger / Blogspot to .com using

I have been blogging using the free blogspot domain from last many years. After getting lot of suggestions, i decided to move to my own custom domain. I finally moved from Blogger/ Blogspot to .com domain in april, 2012.

I bought my domain from which is great place to buy a domain name. It was fast quick & it started redirecting in few minutes. My friends has told me that it might take 6 hours -24 hours to redirect properly but surprisingly it started redirection in just 5 minutes.

Bigrock provides domain name in very cheap rates like
.in domain - $2
.org domain -$ 6
.com domain - $10
.co domain - $20

It comes with free services like

Steps to Set up your domain name
  1. Buy a domain on & log in to you control panel.
  2. Please use Coupon code to get 10% discount.
  3. Please Click on Domains (from navigation menu bar) and then click on List All Orders
  4. Select the domain from the List
  5. Please Click on the DNS which can be found on the top navigation menu bar and then on Manage DNS.
  6. Click on CNAME Records and then on ADD CNAME RECORD
  7. We are going to add 2 Cname records, one for "" & another for "" This helps when someone forgets to add 'www' prefix before the name of the website.
  8. How to add CNAME Record : for ""
    For Host Name type "www"
    For Value type in "" (within the space provided for typing in a fully qualified domain name) and then click on Add Record and you record would be saved.
  9. How to add CNAME Record :for ""
    Please Again click on Add CNAME record.
    For Host Name enter nothing
    For Value type "" and click on Add Record
  10. You are done with cname DNS settings, now go to
  11. Please click on settings and then go to publishing. Next hit the "switch to custom domain" and then on "advanced settings" tab.Here enter your domain with www prefix as and hit the save button.
  12.  Its done, Just be patient & check when your site redirects properly.

Note:- For few minutes, it will show redirect notification. Don't worry, it will vanish after some time. Your all links with blogspot domain will be redirected to the .com domain. for ex.  will be redirected to the

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